Custom Firmware Package Notes

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Note Note: Some Functions of the Web Interface are 'Built-In' and do not require an additional package to be installed, These Features are covered in the Web If section of ths page


The Auto Unprotect package runs in the background and automatically removes the Encryption Protected flag on high definition recordings. This is the flag which prevents the file from being decrypted when it is copied to an external disk. On first installation, the hard disk will be scanned for any high definition recordings and they will be unprotected. Thereafter new recordings will have the flag removed as they are completed

NOTE:- the removal of the ENC flag does not decrypt the file, However it does make decyption possible


This package automatically keeps the installed packages up to date by checking for any new releases daily and automatically downloading and installing them, It will check once per day at the earliest power on, for most people probably the 04:30 boot


For HDR-Fox T2

The HDR-FOX T2 has a built-in FTP server, This default server will still be in available after the Custom Firmware is installed, However only files under ‘Media’ are visible, Betaftpd has two possible Logins, If humaxftp + pin (default 0000) is used then only ‘Media’ is visible. If root + pin (default 0000) is used then the entire file system is accessable

NOTE:- The Built-in FTP server must be turned off if Betaftpd is used with Menu >> Settings >> System >> Internet Settings >> FTP Server = OFF

For HD-Fox T2

Betaftpd will add an FTP server to the Humax after installation, Betaftpd has two possible Logins, If humaxftp + pin (default 0000) is used then only ‘Media’ is visible. If root + pin (default 0000) is used then the entire file system is accessable


This Function for the HD-FOX T2 only, Allows the HD-FOX T2 to run the software for the HDR-FOX T2, to allow decryption of recordings by copying to a volume, At present the package needs to be installed from the command line (Telnet)e.g. :-

opkg install wget

opkg install boothdr --force-reinstall


Your Humax box has a ‘Unix’ operating system, Busybox is a package that provides 158 common Unix commands that can be used in a Telnet sessions, The List below shows the available commands, There is no 'man' command that would explain what they do, but most commands can have a -? or -h extention to get some help e.g. ls -?, A command look up table can be found HERE

NOTE:- It is not a good idea to 'Play' with these commands if you don't know what you are doing

  • [
  • [[
  • ar
  • arp
  • arping
  • ash
  • awk
  • base64
  • basename
  • bunzip2
  • bzcat
  • bzip2
  • cal
  • cat
  • catv
  • chgrp
  • chmod
  • chown
  • chroot
  • cksum
  • clear
  • cmp
  • comm
  • cp
  • cpio
  • cut
  • date
  • dc
  • dd
  • df
  • diff
  • dirname
  • dos2unix
  • du
  • echo
  • ed
  • egrep
  • env
  • ether-wake
  • expr
  • false
  • fgrep
  • find
  • fold
  • free
  • ftpget
  • ftpput
  • fuser
  • grep
  • gunzip
  • gzip
  • hd
  • head
  • hexdump
  • ifconfig
  • insmod
  • install
  • iostat
  • kill
  • killall
  • killall5
  • last
  • less
  • ln
  • logname
  • ls
  • lsmod
  • lsusb
  • lzcat
  • lzma
  • md5sum
  • mkdir
  • mkfifo
  • mknod
  • mktemp
  • modinfo
  • modprobe
  • more
  • mpstat
  • mv
  • nc
  • netstat
  • nice
  • nmeter
  • nohup
  • nslookup
  • od
  • patch
  • pgrep
  • ping
  • pkill
  • pmap
  • printenv
  • printf
  • ps
  • pstree
  • pwd
  • pwdx
  • readlink
  • realpath
  • renice
  • rm
  • rmdir
  • rmmod
  • route
  • rpm
  • sed
  • sendmail
  • seq
  • sh
  • sha1sum
  • sha256sum
  • sha512sum
  • sleep
  • sort
  • split
  • stat
  • strings
  • stty
  • sum
  • sync
  • sysctl
  • tail
  • tar
  • tee
  • telnet
  • test
  • tftp
  • time
  • top
  • touch
  • tr
  • traceroute
  • true
  • tty
  • uname
  • uniq
  • unix2dos
  • unlzma
  • unxz
  • unzip
  • uptime
  • usleep
  • uudecode
  • uuencode
  • vi
  • watch
  • wc
  • wget
  • which
  • who
  • whoami
  • xargs
  • xz
  • xzcat
  • yes
  • zcat


The Common Internet File System. The cifs package provides the Humax with the ability to remotely access files shared from PCs using Windows file sharing. This package adds the support to the running system but mounting remote filesystems must currently be performed from the command line, Example :-

mkdir /media/NAS

mkdir "/media/My Video/NAS"

mount -t cifs //server/share /media/NAS -o user=abc,password=def

mount -t cifs "//server/share /media/My Video/NAS" -o user=abc,password=def

Custom TV Portal

An extension to the Humax TV Portal thats add some more apps

Full Guide HERE

Dedup (Command Line)

The dedup package adds a command line utility which can consolidate recordings within a single folder so that duplicates are removed and the remaining episodes are renamed so that the episode name and number (if available) are displayed in the Media Browser

Note:- There is a 'built-in' version of Dedup in the Web-If that effectivly replaces the command line package, However if the dedup package is installed it is possible to perform the following Telnet commands from the folder you have navigated to:-

dedup HIDE lists the recordings there and shows what they would be renamed to

dedup -yes HIDE perform the changes as detailed below :-

  • Renames the files on disk to match the episode name
  • Changes the title shown in the media list to match the episode name
  • Identifies duplicate episodes and moves them to a sub-folder called dup/

Dropbear SSH

An SSH server for the Humax. This package provides remote command line access over an encrypted session and is an alternative to using telnet to gain command line access although it causes the box to do more work

Edit On Box

Full Guide for Nicesplice HERE

EPG (Command Line)

EPG information can be obtained from a Telnet Command line e.g.


humax# epg
Humax EPG Tool v1.0.8, by af123, 2011.

Syntax: epg [options] [filters] <command>...

    -b                     Brief output.
    -d[level]              Set debug level.
    -f<file>               Specify alternate EPG data file.
    -h                     Show help text.
    -p                     Parsable output.

  Filters: (can be specified multiple times, all must be true)
    -C<CRID>               Show only events with this CRID.
    -D<descriptor type>    Show only selected descriptor type.
    -E<event id>           Show only selected event.
    -R<SCRID>              Show only events with this Series ID.
    -S<service id>         Show only selected service.
    -T<content type>       Show only selected content types.
    -@<unix timestamp>     Show only programmes at time.
    -/<unix timestamp>     Show only programmes on day.
    -/<days>               Show only programmes on day.
    -=<start>:<end>        Show only programmes in time period.

    dump                   Show a parsed summary of the EPG.
    dumpraw                Show raw data from the EPG.
    sqldump                Produce SQL statements from EPG data.
    sqlitedump <file>      Create SQLite database from EPG data.
    now                    Show what is currently on.
    first                  Show the time of the earliest record.
    last                   Show the time of the latest record.
    parse                  Parse the EPG, no output.
    search <text>          Search programme names for text.
    searchall <text>       Search programme names/descriptions for text.

Epg Keywords (Web-If)

This package is a web interface plugin which allows a list of keywords to be configured and will then periodically send an email to a specified email address detailing any programmes in the EPG which match the keywords

Initial Setup :-

  • Web-If MAIN >> SETTINGS >> Email address >>
  • Web-If MAIN >> SETTINGS >> SMTP >>


This feature changes how recorded programs are displayed on screen in the 'Media - My Video' menu, Series of programs are normally grouped into a sub-folder, Flatten will move the contents of sub-folders to the main 'Top' folder and remove empty sub-folders, After installing flatten the Web-If will have an option under OPT+ which lets you toggle directories between flatten and no-flatten

NOTE :- All directories will default to have flatten turned on unless they are changed


  • Folders marked as no flatten using the OPT+ option will not be flattened
  • Folders who's names are bounded by square brackets e.g. [NOT THIS ONE] will not be flattened
  • Folders containing a file called .noflatten will not be flattened (Note:- Create this file Via Telnet)


File Transfer Protocol is a method of transferring files to and from your Humax, The Humax HDR-Fox T2 has a built-in FTP for access to the media folders only. See the Betaftpd package for access to the full Humax file structure or to add an FTP server to the HD-Fox T2. To use FTP on a P.C. a program that handles FTP is required, Internet Explorer and Windows (file) Explorer will allow FTP access by entering into the address bar, Although access may be restricted to media folders only, even when using the Betaftpd package, If access to the whole file structure is required programs like Filezilla or WS_FTP_Pro can be used.

Notes :-

  • To use the Built-In Humax FTP server MENU >> Settings >> System >> Internet Settings >> FTP Server = ON
  • When using Betaftpd MENU >> Settings >> System >> Internet Settings >> FTP Server = OFF
  • needs to be replaced with your own Humax IP address
  • login = humaxftp
  • password = your Remote Pin (default 0000)


This package displays information on the humax *.hmt file, A small 'sidecar' file created alogside the main *.ts video file

From a Telnet Session, Navigate to a directory containing an *.hmt file, Then enter hmt {filename}

hmt KAISER_CHIEFS_DD5_1_20110410_0147.hmt

humax# hmt KAISER_CHIEFS_DD5_1_20110410_0147.hmt
Channel:4096 (BBC HD)
Folder:/mnt/hd2/My Video/MY-ARCHIVE/
Filename:KAISER CHIEFS DD5_1_20110410_0147
EPG:Performance from the Kaiser Chiefs from the Later... with Jools Holland archives.
 They play I Predict a Riot, the party and festival anthem of 2005.

Flags: HD,Unlimited Copies,
Copy count:0

Scheduled start:1302396300 (Sun Apr 10 00:45:00 2011)
Scheduled duration:300
Recording start:1302396449 (Sun Apr 10 00:47:29 2011)
Recording end:1302396706 (Sun Apr 10 00:51:46 2011)
Play resumes at: 15 seconds in.

Service ID (SID):17472
Transport Stream ID (TSID):16516
Originating Network ID (ONID):9018
Programme Map Table PID (PMTPID):100
Video PID:101
Audio PID:102
Bookmarks:0 =


A utility for manipulating Humax Download Format (HDF) files


A Dynamic DNS client with web configuration plugin (see webif settings page

I-Phone Interface

An iphone optimised web interface for the Humax

Screen Shots HERE


This unix command stands for LiSt of Open Files,With no extentions it will default to 'All' open files, But it is probably more useful when used with a filter as shown in the examples :-

lsof | grep humaxtv HIDE All files opened by the main Humax TV process

lsof | cut -f 1 -d' ' | sort | uniq HIDE List all processes that have opened files

lsof | grep epg HIDE All files opened by the EPG process

humax# lsof | grep epg
epg 596 root  cwd  0000  31,0 1307722938  21474853357 /dev
epg 596 root  rtd  0000  31,0 1321652395  77309428205 /
epg 596 root  txt  0000  8,18 1322689164   4295000557 /mnt/hd2/mod/bin/epg
epg 596 root  mem   REG  8,18                 9226050 /mnt/hd2/mod/bin/epg (path inode=4295000557)
epg 596 root  mem   REG  31,0                     174 /lib/ (path inode=4295000557)
epg 596 root  mem   REG  8,18                 9225846 /mnt/hd2/mod/lib/ (path inode=4295000557)
epg 596 root  mem   REG  31,0                     169 /lib/ (path inode=4295000448)
epg 596 root  mem   REG  31,0                     216 /lib/ (path inode=4295000448)
epg 596 root  mem   REG  31,0                     186 /lib/ (path inode=4295000448)
epg 596 root    0  0000  31,0 1307722935   4294975926 /dev/null
epg 596 root    1  0000  0,13 1322848876   4295000502 /tmp/epgd.log
epg 596 root    2  0000  0,13 1322848858   4295000502 /tmp/modinit.log


Jim is a form of the programming language TCL (Tool Command Language), That runs on the Humax unix platform


A free UPnP MediaServer. This package allows streaming of content from the Humax to other devices on your network, once that content has been decrypted


Mongoose is the Webserver that the Custom Firmware Package uses to present the Web pages you see when you log into the Web Interface, SEE EXAMPLES


Read/write NTFS disk access. Out of the box the Humax can read NTFS formatted drives but this package upgrades that support to full read/write access

Ntp Client

Sets the Humax clock from an Internet time server on each boot. Useful if you do not have an aerial connection

Remote Scheduling (RS)

Remote Scheduling Service. Links your device to the remote scheduling portal so you can manage your scheduled recordings list from anywhere with an Internet connection and web browser

Full Guide HERE

Portal Foscam


Prog Backup

Utility for backing up recordings and sidecar files to locally attached drives, A search of attatched drives will be made so that the user can choose. Both Hi-Def and Standard definition recordings will be de-crypted so they can be played on a P.C. or copied back to a different Humax. Command line examples Below :-

progbackup HIDE Backup everthing under My Video

progbackup "/mnt/hd2/My Video/BOB's Films/" HIDE Backup files in a specified folder

NOTE:- Make sure to use the quotation marks around the directory name.

Remote Scheduling Auto

Full Guide HERE


Windows compatible file sharing. Allows access to the Humax filesystem from a computer on the same network. The file system is shared using Windows compatible sharing so can be access from Windows, MacOSX and most other operating systems

Series Filer

If a folder name exists at the top level and at a lower level, the contents of the top level folder are copied into the lower folder and the, now empty, top level folder is deleted

Service Control

A command line utility allowing easy control of installed services. Run the 'service' command from the command line for help.

From a Telnet command line prompt send the following :-


humax# service

Name                 Installed  Autostart  Running
----                 ---------  ---------  -------
mediatomb            No         No         No
dropbear             No         No         No
transmission         No         No         No
samba                No         No         No
cifs                 No         No         No
mongoose             Yes        Yes        Yes

        service start <service>
        service stop <service>
        service auto <service>          (toggles autostart) 


SQlite is an SQL database engine that contains a 'C' software library


SSMTP is a program to deliver an E-mail from your Humax to a mailhost or mailhub, It will not handle incomming E-Mail


Telnet is built into the default Custom Firmware package, To communicate Via Telnet from a P.C. you will need a program such as PuTTY, Select connection type Telnet and enter the IP address of your Humax into the Host Name box, Then select OPEN, You will be presented with a new Telnet Window and if connection is successful you will see the humax# prompt.


  • Telnet command lines on this WiKi are identified by a Yellow Background
  • Telnet >> Connection >> Telnet >> return Key sends Telnet New Line instead of ^M should be 'un-Ticked'

Transmission (Bit Torrent)

A Bit-Torrent client for the Humax. This has a web interface which runs on port 8080 by default. Allows the Humax to download files from the Internet using the BitTorrent protocol


trm is a version of the Unix rm command (ReMove), This version removes files in blocks using Truncate (hence Truncate ReMove) rather than all at once, In order to reduce demand on system resources


unencryptsetup "Bob's Videos" HIDE process a single directory

unencryptsetup HIDE process all files in 'My Video'

unencryptsetup disable HIDE Turn off unencrypt

This will update the cron table and schedule the program to run every 30 minutes (at Mins 01 and 31) indefinitely. Every time it runs, it will check that there isn't already another job running and then decrypt the first encrypted file that it finds in the directory you specified, therefore gradually working its way through your files, If you don't specify a directory, it will default to decrypting all of your recordings.


  • Auto-Unprotect must be running
  • Media sharing must = on
  • Telnet >> Connection >> Telnet >> return Key sends Telnet New Line instead of ^M should be 'un-Ticked'


Redirects deleted recordings to a dustbin folder called [Deleted Items] and removes them from this new folder a few days later, The delay before actual deletion is carried out is configurable in the Web-If Setting area


One way to decrypt content which has been recorded by the Humax is to copy to an external disk, This is usually a slow process as the external disk must be connected via one of the USB ports. This package creates a virtual disk on the system to which content can be copied. It is much faster since it is based on the internal hard disk. The virtual disk is shared by the MediaTomb package by default, giving a fairly straightforward method of sharing recorded content on the network. In conjunction with the 'auto-unprotect' package, high definition content can also be shared

Web IF

Screen Shots HIDE Release Notes

An evolving web interface for the Humax. This package provides a means of accessing the Humax using a web browser on any device connected to the network (including mobile 'phones and iPads). The interface allows easy viewing of recorded programme details as well as allowing basic manipulation to be performed. Additionally the EPG can be viewed and searched from within the web browser

Within the Web-IF are the following Built-In Functions :-


Used in conjunction with Copy, Cut and Paste, The clipboard is an area that files can be temporarily held in while a new folder is selected. It emulates a Windows Clipboard


See Clipboard


Web-If MAIN >> BROWSE MEDIA FILES >> (Select Single File) >> OPT+ >> Crop

See Edit on Box link HERE


See Clipboard


Web-If MAIN >> BROWSE MEDIA FILES >> (Select Single File) >> OPT+ >> Decrypt

This Function will move the file an _original folder and then stream a new copy to the present location, The new copy will be Decrypted and can be played on a P.C.. NOTE both High Definition AND Standard definition need to be Decrypted

  • De-duplicate / Tidy this folder

Web-If MAIN >> BROWSE MEDIA FILES >> De-duplicate / Tidy this folder

This Function will search a folder and re-name files with more meaningful titles, It will also seperate duplicates into a new folder

See Tidy (Re-name) Example >>

This Function will search a folder and re-name files with more meaningful titles

It will Also seperate duplicates into a new folder

See De Duplicate (to new folder) Example >>


Web-If MAIN >> BROWSE MEDIA FILES >> (Select Single File) >> OPT+ >> Download

This function will download with decrytion an SD file (or Hi-Def File if the 'ENC' flag is removed) and place it into the default download folder on your P.C., The following items may inhibit it functioning correctly :-

  1. The File type *.TS must not be assosiated with a program such as a media player, If it is, Remove the association
  2. Your brouser must allow re-direction of addresses

Extract Audio

Web-If MAIN >> BROWSE MEDIA FILES >> (Select Single File) >> OPT+ >> Extract Audio

This function will produce an MP3 file containing the stereo audio track contained in a standard Def. Video file (or radio recording), The following conditions must be met :-

  1. The file must be de-crypted (Dispays a DEC against it)
  2. ffmpeg package must be installed
  3. Standard Def. recording only (Hi-Def 2 Ch or 6 Ch sound won't be decoded)


See Clipboard

Remove Enc

Web-If MAIN >> BROWSE MEDIA FILES >> (Select Single File) >> OPT+ >> Remove Enc

This Function will remove the ENC flag from High Definition content, The file remains encrypted (as does Standard Definition) until a sepearate decryption function is carried out

Save Last Streamed Content

Web-If MAIN >> BROWSE MEDIA FILES >> Save Last Streamed Content

This Function will make a permanent MP4 copy of and content that has been view using the Humax TV portal e.g. I-Player / You Tube, The Telnet Syntax is as follows :-

cp /mnt/hd3/Streamer_down_file "/media/My Video/theclip.mp4"


A cut-down web interface, optimised for display on the iPhone and other mobile devices

See Screenshots HERE


Retrieve files via HTTP or FTP

Note:- There is already a version of wget in Busybox which is loaded automatically, However it may be necessary to install the stand alone package as it will be a newer version