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Sweeper - the Swiss Army Knife of recording management

Available tokens

%genre Recording genre.
%definition Definition of recording (HD or SD).
%title Recording title.
%channel Channel name.
%lcn Logical channel number.
%duration Recording duration (in minutes).
%timestamp Recording start time as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
%yyyymmmdd Recording start time as YYYYMMDD.
%hhmm Recording start time as HHMM

Available actions

continue do nothing and continue to next rule.
stop do nothing and stop processing rules.
preserve (deprecated) do nothing and stop processing rules.
lock Lock recording and continue to next rule.
unlock Unlock recording and continue to next rule.
move move the recording to a folder.
movecreate move the recording to a folder and create it if it doesn't exist.
fileunder Folders only; look for another existing with the same name as the new series recording and, if found, move the new recordings into it.
fileundercreate Folders only; as fileunder but if no folder is found then create a new one.

Available conditions

flag A flag against the recording, e.g. 'flag New'. Flags are Locked, New, Encrypted, Guidance, ODEncrypted, Shrunk, Deduped.
lcn Logical channel number, e.g. 'lcn 1', 'lcn {> 1}'
duration Recording duration in minutes, e.g. 'duration {> 60}'
schedduration Scheduled recording duration in minutes.
size Size in bytes
age Age in hours (measured from recording end time).
wage Number of hours since last watched, or from recording end time if not watched.
definition Standard (SD) or high (HD) definition, e.g. 'definition SD'
title Title contains ..., e.g. 'title {The Big Bang Theory}'
synopsis Synopsis contains ...
guidance Guidance contains ...
genre Recording genre is.. e.g. 'genre Children'
hour Hour of recording, e.g. 'hour {>= 21}'