Sweeper - the Swiss Army Knife of recording management
Available tokens
%genre | Recording genre. |
%definition | Definition of recording (HD or SD). |
%title | Recording title. |
%channel | Channel name. |
%lcn | Logical channel number. |
%duration | Recording duration (in minutes). |
%timestamp | Start of recording as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. |
%yyyymmmdd | Start of recording as YYYYMMDD. |
%hhmm | Start of recording as HHMM |
Available actions
continue | do nothing and continue to next rule. |
stop | do nothing and stop processing rules. |
preserve | (deprecated) do nothing and stop processing rules. |
move | move the recording to a folder. |
movecreate | move the recording to a folder and create it if it doesn't exist. |
fileunder | Folders only; look for another existing with the same name as the new series recording and, if found, move the new recordings into it. |
fileundercreate | Folders only; as fileunder but if no folder is found then create a new one. |
Available conditions
flag | A flag against the recording, e.g. 'flag New'. Flags are Locked, New, Encrypted, Guidance, ODEncrypted, Shrunk, Deduped. |
lcn | Logical channel number, e.g. 'lcn 1', 'lcn {> 1}' |
duration | Recording duration in minutes, e.g. 'duration {> 60}' |
schedduration | Scheduled recording duration in minutes. |
size | Size in bytes |
age | Age in hours (measured from recording end time). |
wage | Number of hours since last watched, or from recording end time if not watched. |
definition | Standard (SD) or high (HD) definition, e.g. 'definition SD' |
title | Title contains ..., e.g. 'title {The Big Bang Theory}' |
synopsis | Synopsis contains ... |
guidance | Guidance contains ... |
genre | Recording genre is.. e.g. 'genre Children' |
hour | Hour of recording, e.g. 'hour {>= 21}' |