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Revision as of 09:38, 18 August 2011

On the HD[R]-Fox T2 all recordings (including SD) are encrypted by default. The encryption means they will only play on the box they were recorded on. On the HDR, encryption can be removed by copying the recording to an external drive. This can be a USB drive, or by installing the modified firmware, a virtual drive or networked share also work.

On the HD-Fox T2 however this feature does exist, and copied recordings remain encrypted.

Luckily the HD and HDR hardware is very similar (give or take a hard disk and tuner), and the HD can be persuaded to run the software for the HDR. This then allows recordings to be copied and decrypted.

Prerequisites: Modified firmware installed, telnet set up, humidify and squashfs-tools packages.

  • Firstly download the firmware for the HDR-Fox T2. This can be either the package from Humax, or the modified version.
  • Using FTP, or a network share copy the downloaded file (hdr_fox_t2_upgrade.hdf) over to the box, and place it in the /mod/ directory.
  • Telnet to the box.
  • Install humidify and squshfs tools ("opkg install humidify" and "opkg install squashfs-tools")
  • Extract the HRD's root filesystem into the /mod folder on your hard drive with the following commands:

cd /mod

humidify -x -S1 hdr_fox_t2_upgrade.hdf

unsquashfs 1.hdfbin-1-000000.raw

mv squashfs-root/ HDRfs

  • Now we just need a script to set up remap a couple of key folders to the HRD filesystem, set up some folders how the HDR expects, kill the running HD execuatable and launch the HDR version:

Call the script bootHDRmode, and put it in /mod/sbin. Its contents should be:

#Run this script to load the HDR ELF
exec >/tmp/loadhdr.log 2>&1 #output errors to this file
mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/hd1/
mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/hd2/
mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/hd3/
mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/hd4/
ln -s /media/drive1/Video/ /media/drive1/My\ Video    # link HD Video directory into "My Video" as HRD expects 
ln -s /media/drive1/Audio/ /media/drive1/My\ Music    # link HD Audio directory into "My Music" as HRD expects 
mount /mnt/hd2/mod/HDRfs/usr/ /usr/            # map HDR elf and key data over the root
mount /mnt/hd2/mod/HDRfs/opt/ /opt/
rm -f /tmp/.humaxtv.running
touch /tmp/.humaxtv.restart
killall humaxtv    #kill HD, will automatically restart but this time the HDR